
Sea Survival Training | STC-KNRM in Rotterdam

On Friday, 17 March 2023, we will be organising a “Sea Survival Training” programme at STC-KNRM in the port of Rotterdam. Together, we will receive training involving practical situations you may encounter while sailing on the wide inland and coastal waters. That way, you will quickly learn exactly what to do.

a) Basic fire-fighting on board involving an incipient fire
b) First aid life-saving action and hypothermia
c) Survival Practice – Pool
d) Activating and using a life raft

The programme runs from 9:30 am to 3:45 pm and costs €160 per person incl. VAT. You can bring your own life jacket or hire one from STC-KNRM for €50.

If you’d like more information or wish to sign up for the programme, please contact: info@jonkers.org. We’d love to tell you more!

Please note that the entire Jonkers Yachts team will be joining this training programme so the showroom will be closed that day.